Women are more likely to experience mental ill health. Release Counselling and Therapy for Women exists to improve the mental health of women.
Whether you’re feeling a little overwhelmed, or concerned about your mental health
We can help you
What do we offer?
Mental health support for women
Founded in 2013, our charity has supported the mental health of thousands of women across Sussex.
Over the last decade, we have developed a skilled and experienced therapy team, who offer a range of services to help women address the issues life throws at them.
Our support is unique as everything we do is created and led by qualified counsellors, and we have become best known for our Therapeutic Groups and Wellbeing Days for mums. We also run a 1:1 counselling service, supporting women through those other challenges in life.
You are not alone
We are led by women, for women. We are the only organisation in Sussex who are focused on providing any women with mental health support, no matter their circumstances, and also the only organisation that has a specific focus in supporting mums and birthing parents suffering from mental health concerns.
But you don’t have to be a parent to get support from us, as we have a women’s counselling service which supports women through the various life stages and challenges we face in our lives. From becoming a parent to experiencing menopause or loss, our team of female-identifying counsellors understand.
Visit our services page to explore what support we offer, and which type might be right for you.
Support for mums and birthing parents
In the UK, National Statistics tell us that up to 1 in 5 women develop mental health problems such as depression, anxiety or PTSD during pregnancy, or in the first year after childbirth. If you are struggling please be assured that you are NOT alone. Seeking support will enable you to get the right help, so that you can start to feel better. With a little help, things can improve drastically, as our many years of supporting mums and birthing parents has shown.
100% of mums from our therapeutic groups said they helped them adjust to their circumstances
95% of mums said their emotional stability had improved
95% said their confidence had improved
And these outcomes will have benefitted their baby too.
Read our Impact Report to learn more about how we’ve helped over mums and birthing parents across Sussex.
Therapy Groups for Mums
A unique 10-week therapeutic postnatal group, run by professional counsellors, for new mums/birthing-parents and their babies. Our groups provide a supportive space for women to talk, as they begin their journey as new mums, in a secure and friendly environment.
Visit our services pages to find out more
A unique 8-week therapeutic postnatal group, run by professional counsellors, for second+ time mums/birthing-parents. Our groups provide a supportive and friendly space for women to talk, as they navigate the ups and downs of becoming a mum again, within their existing family structure.
And the survey says…
Better mental health & wellbeing for women
Release is a community counselling organisation that exists to improve the mental health and wellbeing of women in Sussex by reducing isolation and empowering women to bring about positive change in their lives.
We specialise in maternal mental health, supporting mothers and their babies during the perinatal period, a key time of transition in a women’s life in which many experience vulnerable mental health.
Our services are operated by a team of qualified counsellors, and counsellors in supervised training, and work within the BACP Ethical Framework.
Release Counselling and Therapy for Women is a Registered Charity (No. 1192772).
Release is open to all women regardless of age, gender, race, nationality, faith, sexual orientation or disability.