“Who doesn’t need this kind of support?”

Lucy* joined one of our Mother Nuture groups. Here she shares how she found the experience.

How were things before joining Mother Nuture?

“Life was very intense before Mother Nuture. I’m 40, my mum died last year and becoming a parent exacerbated the grief. I also had worries about climate breakdown and feeling guilty about having a baby. My friend told me about the group and said it’s the best thing you can do. At first, I didn’t think I needed it and then I realised I did. Who doesn’t need this kind of support?

Why did you decide to join a group?

“I’m interested in therapy generally and the process of matresence. I had kids so late as I didn’t resonate with the idea of mother, I felt I didn’t fit the ideal of it and wanted to explore that with other people. I’m new to the area and also wanted to build community and thought it would be good to meet people.”

How did you find the group?

“I loved it, it was the highlight of my week. I thought the therapists were wonderful, warm people who created an inclusive, nurturing space. The expectations of you as a person were fine and anything that came up was fine. When I started the group, I thought I was doing OK as a mum but the older my child gets the more difficult it becomes, and his sleep has got worse.

“I liked the information given to us, the theoretical basis and the window of tolerance exercise can help us identify what is going on in our lives and where we might be over-extending ourselves. That has helped me work out when I needed extra help. Each weekly theme was helpful, and the practical tools really applied to our lives.

“Hearing others' experiences really helps and I always learn from others and the chance to talk is really helpful.

Would you recommend Mother Nuture to others?

“100% I would recommend it to others. It’s a shame it’s not available on the NHS and that everyone can join it. It would be good if it were longer too.”

*Lucy is a made-up name to protect the identity of the mum who shared her story.


“It was the single best thing I’ve done”


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